【tiVukin 領航大使特輯】帶著純淨力量前進巴黎

【tiVukin 領航大使特輯】帶著純淨力量前進巴黎

       從巴黎奧運,到甫落幕的帕運,從轉播台上的東京奧運主播,到親臨夢幻紫色的法蘭西體育場場邊記者;長期在第一線為臺灣觀眾呈現各大賽事精彩時刻的主播張旖旂(娃娃),同時也是 tiVukin 的資深山友。在這次高強度的出差行程中,我們也陪伴了旖旂參與她的首次的奧運現場採訪,讓我們跟隨 tiVukin 領航大使娃娃的視角,一起回顧四年一度的運動盛會吧! 【WaWa 巴黎日常】 Q:可以跟我們分享在巴黎工作的一天是什麼樣子嗎?       印象比較深刻的是開幕式的那幾天,接駁車大混亂,塞車、開錯路等各種突發狀況,當天採訪團隊也辛苦地背著器材徒步三公里到達指定地點,雖然是在美麗的塞納河邊,但因為天氣因素原地等待的五小時看不太到風景。        在巴黎的出差日常不是在等接駁車,就是在搭接駁車,或是在接駁車上塞車,單趟路程就至少要三個小時,新聞稿常常都是在車上完成的,感覺塞車就像是法式悠然浪漫的一部分;不過巴黎夏季日照時間很長,晚上九點以後才開始日落,因此就算連軸工作了十二個小時,離開場館看到天空一片蔚藍明亮,疲憊瞬間都消散了不少! Q:有沒有什麼讓您印象深刻的幕後小故事?        有路痴屬性的我,到陌生的環境前都會提前研究交通方式和場地動線,但沒想到這次擊劍和跆拳道場地的巴黎大皇宮就像迷宮一樣!媒體廁所的動線複雜到我要用手機錄影,不然怕會找不到回來的路,非常有趣的經驗。另外,大家常說去歐洲旅遊要多注意隨身財物,本來以為在奧運會場不太有機會,沒想到我離開體育場搭大眾運輸回飯店時,口袋裡的墨鏡就離我而去了。        我算是會事先設想各種狀況、做好萬全準備的人,像是這次去巴黎出差,我不只保了最高額度的旅平險、行李分兩箱、帶三雙鞋子,隨身背包還多準備一份衣物跟盥洗用品;應該可以發現我是厚操煩的焦慮性格。不過這次保養品只帶 tiVukin 的乳霜、潔顏露和洗髮餅,就簡單低解決了我的保養需求,洗髮餅還可以洗全身很方便,非常適合我這種個性。這趟出差裡靠著 tiVukin 給我滿滿安心感。 Q:這趟巴黎出差中,保養需求有什麼不一樣嗎?        第一次來到歐洲,不只氣候跟臺灣不一樣,當地的天氣變化和硬水的水質條件都讓我出行前很擔心。再加上長途飛行容易乾燥,長時間工作的壓力,幸好有 tiVukin 幫助我無痛適應當地氣候,穩定我的皮膚狀況,應對每天的賽事轉播和採訪鏡頭。        在這 28 天裡,我早晚都有用潔顏露洗臉,晚上會再多一道卸妝加強清潔。早上的話起床就可以直接使用潔顏露,溫和又保濕,不用擔心洗完太乾,後續好上妝迎戰一整天的播報任務;乳霜也是用好用滿,在回臺灣的班機上直接用光!陪我一起圓滿完成了第一次的奧運媒體工作。  Q:作為領航大使,您會怎麼推薦 tiVukin 呢?        一開始是因為品牌理念而喜歡上 tiVukin,但經過一段時間的使用後更覺就是它了!如果你也時常東奔西跑,需要面對各種環境變化,又或是喜歡自然純淨保養方式,不愛太多添加物、抗拒動物實驗,歡迎跟我一起體驗看看 tiVukin 的好。
2024 tiVukin X 〔;PiOTOPIA〕 夏日聯名:山神呼喚

2024 tiVukin X 〔;PiOTOPIA〕 夏日聯名:山神呼喚

這個夏天 tiVukin 與純素⼿⼯皂品牌 〔;PiOTOPIA〕 共同研製,攜手推出 2024 夏日聯名新品:全素燕麥咖啡洗髮餅。 此次髮餅香氣由 〔;PiOTOPIA〕 特別為 tiVukin 山友量⾝定制,以尤加利、甜橙和帶有檸檬香氣的山雞椒營造出「山神呼喚」的多層次氣味,使⽤時有如親身浸浴在森林之中,讓林間自然的氣息輕輕拂過髮梢,洗滌疲憊的身軀,放鬆心神,回應山神的呼喚。 我們以 〔;PiOTOPIA〕 的完美比例配⽅為基礎,融合 tiVukin 經典頂級燕麥油及天然柔細的咖啡種子微粒,幫助強健髮根,去除多餘⽪脂,保護頭⽪;使⽤後能增加頭髮豐盈感,過敏性頭⽪也適⽤,洗髮潤絲 all in one! 同為簡單日常的提倡者,tiVukin X 〔;PiOTOPIA〕 聯名全素燕麥咖啡洗髮餅,不僅融合了洗髮、潤絲功能,成分單純的純素手工皂餅亦能作為身體皂使用,是旅⼈及懶⼈夏季洗淨保養的最佳選擇。
2024 tiVukin X Earth Month  The Action for Earth!

2024 tiVukin X Earth Month The Action for Earth!

Those who love our tiVukin might be familiar with Earth Day every April 22.  tiVukin, the brand that always embraces our earth with clean and vegan values, has proudly joined its second year of Earth Month Action.  This year, we would like to invite more friends to engage in our tiVukin Earth Month, taking a challenge of the 16-square grid to protect the earth while caring for your skin. Date: 4/1 (Monday) 9:00 am ~ 4/22 (Tuesday) 9:00 pm  Method:  From now until Earth Day (4/22), choose the task among the 16-square grid and finish a line.  Make sure your Instagram account is set to public.  Take a photo of your Earth Month Action, post it to your story, and tag @tivukin_tw.  After we check your post, we will mark your qualifications and process follow-up contact for the details after the event. RewardOne line:a set of eco-friendly straws. Two lines:a set of eco-friendly tableware. Three lines:a tiVukin customized tumbler. All Lines:a placemats and a set of eco-friendly tableware. (The reward can No be accumulated. Those who have completed multiple Lines can choose which reward they want to receive.) *Special reward: If your line includes the " RE-THINK Garbage Throwing Test" task and the result exceeds 90%, you will get an additional special reward: "tiVukin 1500 points = NT$100 credit" ! tiVukin believes that every day can be Earth Day as long as we are willing to be. So, our dear friends of tiVukin, are you ready to follow tiVukin and clean the earth with love?
It begins like this...

It begins like this...

The founder of tiVukin, Evelyn has been a beauty influencer for 8 years.In the year of 2017 she started traveling around the world with her husband Jason, a professional tennis player. During the high intensity of Traveling, she caught herself constantly changing her skin products because of different skin condition. At the same time she also noticed how weather, food, and sleeping hours can affect her skin condition dramatically. Many times the changes would cause an allergic reaction. When Evelyn first learned about Clean Beauty, she knew it is the answer to avoid most of the allergy reaction. Clean Beauty product assures the ingredients are transparency, anti-sensitive and responsible for the customers. The resource and process of the products are safe for the customers and environment.Hope you find what you need in tiVukin, in the Mountain.
Do you have sensitive skin? Are you experiencing allergies, or do you occasionally have allergic reactions?

Do you have sensitive skin? Are you experiencing allergies, or do you occasionally have allergic reactions?

"I have sensitive dry skin!" We often hear this, but what exactly does it mean to have sensitive dry skin? Is it an allergy to numerous ingredients, or is it a constant state of skin inflammation and sensitivity?? Ensuring the safety of skincare ingredients has always been our top priority.  As a clean skincare brand, tiVukin is dedicated to ensuring that every product in our line is free from allergens. Given the diversity of skin types, our foremost concern is safeguarding against allergic reactions for all users. To achieve this, it's crucial to distinguish between an "allergic skin type" and an "allergic skin condition". Various factors including genetics, lifestyle, and dietary habits can contribute to conditions like acne-prone skin, rosacea, or eczema." If you have any of these skin types, we suggest seeking guidance from a professional dermatologist for a personalized skincare advisor. However, if you have allergies to specific ingredients such as Parabens, acids, essential oils, alcohol, etc, it's possible to avoid them. We strictly avoid using over 5000 ingredients banned by EWG (Environmental Working Group) standards, which include Propylparaben, Hydroquinone, and Geraniol.  1. Propylparaben 2. Hydroquinone3. Geraniol Many brands add PEG-X emulsion systems that are prone to allergic reactions and are environmentally unfriendly.。 Our commitment stems from our desire to maintain your trust and loyalty. We are committed to ensuring that our products are free from any ingredients that could potentially cause skin allergies.。 Are you currently dealing with chronic skin allergies or occasional ones? Pinpointing your specific allergens could help you avoid future sensitivity issues altogether!
The Essentials - Algae

The Essentials - Algae

Harnessing the power from the deep sea, the final element of The Essential Five is algae. By incorporating algae into our products, we aim to bring revitalizing and anti-aging effects to tiVukin users.。 Rich in Vitamin E and brown algae extract, algae offers exceptional antioxidant properties. Algae offers exceptional antioxidant properties. These properties enhance metabolism and combat the damage caused by aging or sun exposure. This helps the skin regain elasticity, effectively delaying the signs of aging.。 Algae, growing in water, absorb various minerals for photosynthesis in the ocean. Apart from chlorophyll, algae also contain unique components such as phycocyanin. Due to the high pressure in the ocean, algae fill their cells with a large amount of collagen, making tissues more resilient and elastic, becoming a popular skincare ingredient in recent years! In addition to consumption, many brands are also extracting algae essence to incorporate into skincare products to battle the external damage accumulated by the skin over time. Combining moisturizing, anti-allergy, soothing, repairing, and brightening properties, The Essential Five, supplemented with algae's revitalizing and anti-aging effects, completes our vision of Skin's Superfood.